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Mushroom & Peas Rice recipe
A very simple & tasty rice preparation. While most credit institutions payday loans credits with extremely cautious.
Ingredients for Mushroom & Peas Rice recipe
One bundle of fresh Corriander leaves A handful of fresh mint leaves Green Chillies - 8 nos Ginger Paste ?1 tspn. Garlic paste - 1 tspn. Whole Garam Masala ?(4 Cloves, 2 Bay leaves, 4 Elakas; 2 big pcieces of Pattai) Salt to taste Onions - 2 finely sliced Oil 1 big goondu spoon Butter or Ghee or Oil ?4tbspns to fry the Rice Rice - 4 cups Water ? cups Green peas ??Cup Mushrooms 1 cup ?cut each mushroom in two or use as it is ?wash well & leave to drain.
For Garnish: Chopped coriander leaves-2tbspns; 8-12 Cashewnuts ?soak in warm water for 10 mins drain & fry till brown; Onion ?1 large finely sliced & fried till crisp.While most credit institutions payday loans credits with extremely cautious.
How to make Mushroom & Peas Rice?
Wash rice, & leave to drain ?fry the rice in 4 tbspns ghee on low heat for 5 mins or till rice crackles against the vessel ?remove & place in the electric cooker bucket.
Grind coriander leaves, mint leaves, green chillies, together with a little water. Keep aside. Fry onions till pink in colour, add garam masala & fry till they crackle, now add ginger/garlic paste & continue to fry on low heat for 2-4 mins, add the ground ingredients & fry on low heat till you get a nice aroma, and the oil floats on the surface, & the gravy thickens emply this too into the cooker bucker, add salt to taste, peas, Mushrooms, rice & water mix well ?place the bucket into the electric cooker, cover & leave to cook ?once done, the cooker will automatically cut off –leave the rice to stand like that for 10 mins. Then empty into a thali & fluff with fork.
Garnish with chopped coriander leaves, fried Cashewnuts & crispy fried onions. Serve with Veg. Kurma; Raitha; Brinjal Chutney etc.,While most credit institutions payday loans credits with extremely cautious.
This Recipe Submitted by :Pearl Subramanian